Expertise & Technology
Expertise: we are the originator of the Coflow Jet airfoil/wing concept and have extensive experience on CFJ airfoil/wing design and integration with the aircraft system.
- CFJ airfoil and wing aerodynamic design.
- CFJ wing integration with the aircraft system.
- CFJ wing integragtion with battery power and heat management in aircraft.
- Flapless high lift CFJ wing system.
- Aircraft structure interagtion with the CFJ wing.
- 3D high accuracy CFD simulation for CFJ wing.
- CFJ wing intergation with micro-compressors actuators.
- Wind tunnel system design for for CFJ wing testing.
- CFJ electric GA airplane design.
- CFJ electric transonic wing design.
Co-Flow Jet Airfoil changes flight from the most fundamental elements.

Our Technology Advantages:
- Ultra-high lift, ultra-high efficiency.
- Low energy expenditure.
- Flapless and quiet high lift system.
- Extremely short takeoff/landing distance.
- Virtually stall free.
- Self-contained zero-net-mass-flux active flow control.
- Applicable to low speed and transonic speed.
- A CFJ electric GA airplane doubles the range of a same size conventional one.
- Developing transonic CFJ electric aircraft in progress.
- Performance proved by wind tunnel testing.