Our CoFlow Jet technology is selected to fly on Mars by NASA. We also use it to maximize wind thrust for marine shipping.
We are excited that NASA NIAC program has selected CoFlow Jet (CFJ) technology to potentially fly on Mars with a fixed wing aircraft, MAGGIE (Mars Aerial and Ground Global Intelligent Explorer). We use the same technology for marine ship wind propulsion. NIAC (NASA Innovative Advanced Concept) is a prestigious program that only funds high potential early stage technology development. MAGGIE is an eVTOL aerial vehicle powered by solar energy. CoFlow Jet can potentially provide the essential cruise lift coefficient nearly 10 times greater than conventional technology with excellent aerodynamic efficiency. If we could uniquely fly on Mars with CoFlow Jet, we are confident that we can best drive marine ships by CFJ wind sails. We welcome collaboration and investment. Let’s work together to make the world better. See the two NASA weblinks below for more description.
Funding Future Tech: NASA Names 2024 Innovative Concept Studies – NASA
Mars Aerial and Ground Global Intelligent Explorer (MAGGIE) – NASA